The ability to solve problems creatively has been crucial for the adaptation and survival of
humans throughout history. In many real–life situations, cognitive processes are not isolated.
Humans are social, they communicate and form groups to solve daily problems and make
decisions. Therefore, the final output of cognitive processes can come from multi–brains
in groups rather than an individual one. This multi–brain output can be largely different
from the output that an individual person produces in isolation. As a result, it is essential to
include team–level processes in cognitive models to make a more accurate description of real–
world cognitive processes in general and problem solving in particular. This research aims
to answer the general question of how working in a team affects creative problem solving.
For doing that, first, we propose a computational model for multi-agent creative problem
solving. Then, we show how the model can be used to study the factors that are involved
in creativity in teams and potentially will suggest answers to questions such as, ‘how team
size is related to creativity’.