Purdue University Graduate School

Acculturation of New Asian International Students in the Digital Age: Challenges and Strategies

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posted on 2024-04-26, 16:55 authored by Chenhe ZhaoChenhe Zhao

Asian international students face various challenges and emotional issues during the process of acculturation, often finding it difficult to truly connect with the domestic culture. Current research often focuses on interactions and adaptation within the international student community, with little mention of how international students communicate with domestic students. Especially in the digital age, the ways people acquire information and communicate have evolved significantly from the past. This research takes into account the current era's context, seeks to understand the current status and needs of new Asian international students and propose further assistance guidelines. It employed interviews and co-design activities to delve into the issues from the perspective of Asian international students, encouraging them to integrate into the domestic culture. The findings suggest that new Asian students encounter similar challenges and utilize various strategies, with a view to fostering social connections with domestic students in future platforms.


Degree Type

  • Master of Science


  • Computer Graphics Technology

Campus location

  • West Lafayette

Advisor/Supervisor/Committee Chair

Nandhini Giri

Additional Committee Member 2

Liang He

Additional Committee Member 3

Christos Mousas