In this dissertation, we consider almost minimizers for the thin obstacle problems in
different settings: Laplacian, fractional Laplacian and equation with variable coefficients.
In Chapter 1, we consider Anzellotti-type almost minimizers for the thin obstacle (or
Signorini) problem with zero thin obstacle and establish their C1,β regularity on the either
side of the thin manifold, the optimal growth away from the free boundary, the C1,γ regularity
of the regular part of the free boundary, as well as a structural theorem for the singular set.
The analysis of the free boundary is based on a successful adaptation of energy methods such
as a one-parameter family of Weiss-type monotonicity formulas, Almgren-type frequency
formula, and the epiperimetric and logarithmic epiperimetric inequalities for the solutions
of the thin obstacle problem. This chapter is based on a joint work with Arshak Petrosyan
In Chapter 2, we study almost minimizers for the thin obstacle problem with variable
Hölder continuous coefficients and zero thin obstacle and establish their C1,β regularity on
the either side of the thin space. Under an additional assumption of quasisymmetry, we
establish the optimal growth of almost minimizers as well as the regularity of the regular
set and a structural theorem on the singular set. The proofs are based on the generalization
of Weiss- and Almgren-type monotonicity formulas for almost minimizers established earlier
in the case of constant coefficients (Chapter 1). This chapter is based on recent joint work
with Arshak Petrosyan and Mariana Smit Vega Garcia [2].
In Chapter 3, we introduce a notion of almost minimizers for certain variational problems
governed by the fractional Laplacian, with the help of the Caffarelli-Silvestre extension.
In particular, we study almost fractional harmonic functions and almost minimizers for
the fractional obstacle problem with zero obstacle. We show that for a certain range of
parameters, almost minimizers are almost Lipschitz or C1,β-regular. This is based on a work
in collaboration with Arshak Petrosyan [3].