Purdue University Graduate School

Biodynamic Imaging of Bacterial Infection and Advanced Phase-sensitive Spectroscopy

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posted on 2020-05-07, 12:27 authored by Honggu ChoiHonggu Choi
Biological dynamics have been studied by many methods. Fluorescence dynamic microscopy and optical coherence tomography provided fundamental understandings of biological systems. However, their high NA optics only represent local characteristics. Biodynamic imaging (BDI) technique implements a low NA optics and acquires the statistical average of Doppler shifts that occurred by dynamic light scattering with biological dynamic subsystems provided globally averaged dynamic characteristics.
BDI is used for this study to investigate biomedical applications. The chemotherapy efficacy measurement by BDI demonstrated a good agreement between the Doppler spectral phenotypes and the preclinical outcomes. Also, dynamic responses of microbiomes by chemical stimuli demonstrated featured Doppler characteristics. The bacterial infection of epithelial spheroids showed consistent spectral responses and antibiotic-resistant E. coli infection treatment with a sensitive and resistive antibiotic showed a dramatic contrast. Furthermore, the phase-sensitive characteristics of BDI provided a clue to understanding the characteristics of the random process of biological systems. Levy-like heavy-tailed probability density functions are demonstrated and
the shape changed by infection will be discussed.


Degree Type

  • Doctor of Philosophy


  • Physics and Astronomy

Campus location

  • West Lafayette

Advisor/Supervisor/Committee Chair

David Nolte

Additional Committee Member 2

Andrew Mugler

Additional Committee Member 3

Ken Ritchie

Additional Committee Member 4

Daniel Elliott