Black Food Trucks Matter: A Qualitative Study Examining The (Mis)Representation, Underestimation, and Contribution of Black Entrepreneurs In The Food Truck Industry
Food trucks have become increasingly popular over the last decade following the Great Recession of 2008. Scholars have begun to study the food truck phenomenon, its future projected trajectory, and even positioning it within social justice discourse along cultural lines; however, scholarship has yet to address the participation of Black entrepreneurs in the food truck industry.
The objective of this dissertation is to expand the perception of Black food entrepreneurs within the food truck industry by interrogating how Black food truck owners are misrepresented, under analyzed, and underestimated. Using a series of interdisciplinary qualitative methods including introspective analysis, thematic coding analysis, and case studies, I approach this objective by addressing three questions. First, I analyze movies and television to understand where Black-owned food trucks are represented in popular culture and how they are depicted. In doing so, we come to understand that Black business representation, specifically Black food truck representation consistently falls victim to negative stereotypes. These stereotypes can influence the extent to which Black food truck owners are taken seriously and seen as legitimate business leaders in their community. Second, I interview 16 Black food truck entrepreneurs to understand why the mobile food industry appealed to them and how it has become a platform for them to explore other opportunities. Finally, I review eight cities that have launched Black food truck festivals and parks within the last 6 years to gain an understanding of the collective power wielded by Black food truck owners and its impact Black communities. Moreover, this dissertation challenges the myth that collectivism does not exist among Black entrepreneurs and the Black community broadly.
Degree Type
- Doctor of Philosophy
- American Studies
Campus location
- West Lafayette
Advisor/Supervisor/Committee Chair
Stephanie J. MastaAdvisor/Supervisor/Committee co-chair
Rayvon D. FoucheAdditional Committee Member 2
Shannon C. McMullenAdditional Committee Member 3
Anthony C. HoodUsage metrics
- Entrepreneurship
- Cultural studies of agriculture, food and wine
- Culture, representation and identity
- Screen and media culture
- Consumption and everyday life
- Cultural and creative industries
- Cultural studies of nation and region
- Cinema studies
- Screen media
- Business systems in context
- Food and hospitality services
- Business and labour history
- Workplace wellbeing and quality of working life
- Small business organisation and management
- Historical studies not elsewhere classified
- Heritage and cultural conservation
- Heritage collections and interpretations
- Digital heritage
- Media studies
- Cultural studies not elsewhere classified
- Sociology of inequalities
- Urban sociology and community studies
- Urban community development
- Social and cultural anthropology