Purdue University Graduate School

Characterization of the Secondary Combustion Zone of a Solid Fuel Ramjet

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posted on 2021-07-23, 12:09 authored by Jay Vincent EvansJay Vincent Evans
A research-scale solid-fuel ramjet test article has been developed to study the secondary combustion zone of solid fuel ramjets. Tests were performed at a constant core air mass flowrate of 0.77 kg/s with 0%, 15%, and 30% bypass ratios. The propulsive performance analysis results indicate that the 0% bypass case had the highest regression rate and fuel mass flowrate. The regression rate and fuel mass flowrate of fuel without carbon black was the lowest. The specific impulse with air mass flowrate included was highest for the 0% bypass case reaching 130 s and lowest for the 30% bypass case reaching 110 s. For specific impulse with air mass flowrate excluded, the 30% bypass case achieved 2,800 s while the 0% bypass case achieved 1,800 s. The characteristic velocity was greatest for 0% bypass reaching 1,025 m/s and lowest for 30% bypass reaching 900 m/s. The combustion efficiency was highest for the 15% bypass case with carbon black addition approaching 0.82. 50 kHz and 75 kHz CH* chemiluminescence imaging was performed. Analyzing thin slivers of the images over 40,001 frames with frequency-domain techniques showed that most of the high amplitude content occurred below 1-5kHz with small peaks near 20 kHz and 30 kHz. Dynamic mode decomposition (DMD) was performed on sets of 10,001 spatially-calibrated images and their corresponding uncalibrated, uncropped images. Most of the tests exhibited low-frequency axial pumping, transverse modes, and other mode shapes indicative of the secondary injection. The prominence of transverse and other jet-related modes over axial modes appeared to be related to increasing bypass ratio. High-frequency axial modes also appeared in a case thought to have high core-flow momentum that did not appear at these high frequencies for other cases. The DMD modes for 0% bypass were indiscernible due to high soot content. Most of the modes corresponding to the calibrated images also appeared in the uncalibrated images, however, with different mode amplitude rankings. PIV was performed at 5 kHz for one test at 15% bypass. The instantaneous vector fields for these tests displayed local velocities up to 600 m/s. The mean images showed velocities up to 250 m/s. The two-dimensional turbulent kinetic energies reached 200 m2/s2 in several regions throughout the flowfield. The turbulence intensity exceeded 0.20 near the bottom of the flowfield.


Degree Type

  • Master of Science


  • Aeronautics and Astronautics

Campus location

  • West Lafayette

Advisor/Supervisor/Committee Chair

Carson D. Slabaugh

Additional Committee Member 2

Stephen D. Heister

Additional Committee Member 3

Timothee L. Pourpoint

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