Modern remote sensing platforms such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) that can carry a variety of sensors including RGB frame cameras, hyperspectral (HS) line cameras, and LiDAR sensors are commonly used in several application domains. In order to derive accurate products such as point clouds and orthophotos, sensors’ interior and exterior orientation parameters (IOP and EOP) must be established. These parameters are derived/refined in a triangulation framework through minimizing the discrepancy between conjugate features extracted from involved datasets. Existing triangulation approaches are not general enough to deal with varying nature of data from different sensors/platforms acquired in diverse environmental conditions. This research develops a generic triangulation framework that can handle different types of primitives (e.g., point, linear, and/or planar features), and sensing modalities (e.g., RGB cameras, HS cameras, and/or LiDAR sensors) for delivering accurate products under challenging conditions with a primary focus on digital agriculture and stockpile monitoring application domains.
Degree Type
- Doctor of Philosophy
- Civil Engineering
Campus location
- West Lafayette