Purdue University Graduate School

First-Time Mothers’ Pregnancy Disclosures to Supervisors: Examining the Disclosure Process Through the Antecedent Pregnancy Disclosure Model (APDM) and Outcome Pregnancy Disclosure Model (OPDM)

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posted on 2019-08-13, 14:04 authored by China C Billotte-VerhoffChina C Billotte-Verhoff
This dissertation addresses the overarching question, “What are the processes, antecedents, and outcomes of first-time mother’s pregnancy disclosures to their supervisors?” Two new theoretical disclosure models, the antecedent pregnancy disclosure model (APDM) and the outcome pregnancy disclosure model (OPDM), were empirically tested to address this question. Utilizing longitudinal data, these models examined the direct, mediation, and moderation effects associated with expecting women’s pregnancy disclosure experiences.

The APDM and OPDM drew upon disclosure theories (e.g., Afifi & Steuber, 2009; Greene, 2009), the interpersonal process model (Reiss & Shaver, 1988), and work-life literatures to extend disclosure theorizing through an examination of the work-related predictors of disclosure decision making and the interpersonal, relational, and career outcomes associated with expecting mother’s disclosure experiences. The APDM identified both individual-level (e.g., perceived career risk) and organization-level (e.g., structural support) predictors for the specific types of disclosure strategies women used to inform their supervisors that they were pregnant.

The APDM also tested two mechanisms (i.e., disclosure efficacy and anticipated disclosure strategy) as potential mediators between predictors and enacted disclosure strategies at T2 (see Figure 2). The OPDM built upon findings of the APDM to examine the association between enacted disclosure strategies and relational, psychological, and career outcomes while testing the role of perceived supervisor responsiveness as both a moderator and mediator to these effects (see Figure 3). Results of data analysis (N = 131) revealed that perceived organizational support and perceived risk influenced expecting women’s engagement in specific disclosure strategies at T2 through differing mechanisms (see APDM). Additionally, results suggest that the different disclosure strategies that women enacted at T2 were significantly associated with expecting women’s career, relational, and psychological outcomes (see OPDM). Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.


Degree Type

  • Doctor of Philosophy


  • Communication

Campus location

  • West Lafayette

Advisor/Supervisor/Committee Chair

Steven R. Wilson

Additional Committee Member 2

Patrice M. Buzzanell

Additional Committee Member 3

Stacey Connaughton

Additional Committee Member 4

Maria Venetis

Additional Committee Member 5

Christopher R. Agnew

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