Purdue University Graduate School

Glaciers in Flux: Interpreting the Mission and Purpose of Glacier National Park in a Warming Climate

posted on 2022-05-02, 18:09 authored by Maureen J WielandMaureen J Wieland

This dissertation used a qualitative and interpretive lens to explore visitor and staff perceptions of the mission and purpose of Glacier National Park and the National Park Service as well as the interpreted environmental state of this park. Through the use of online survey data and participant observations, this study provides a deeper understanding of how individuals inside of Glacier National Park view the potential for this park to succeed or fail with its mission as well as how environmental concerns are communicated to those within the park during the summer of 2019. Strategic environmental communication strategies are provided at the conclusion of this study in order to aid Glacier and the National Park Service in more efficiently educating their publics about their core goals and environmental management efforts.


Degree Type

  • Doctor of Philosophy


  • Communication

Campus location

  • West Lafayette

Advisor/Supervisor/Committee Chair

Josh Boyd

Additional Committee Member 2

Patrice Buzzanell

Additional Committee Member 3

Stacey Connaughton

Additional Committee Member 4

Leigh Raymond