Class 8 heavy-duty truck platooning has demonstrated significant fuel economy benefits on routes with road grade less than±2% in literature, but there is little to no platooning research on routes with road grade greater than±2% - which make up a significant portion of U.S. highways. Therefore, the effort described in this thesis is aimed at assessing currently available two-truck platoon control strategies as well as developing new strategies to improve platoon performance on hilly terrain. Specifically, the strategies tested in this work include four types of lead truck speed control strategies and two types of platoon transmission shifting strategies. These strategies are tested using two experimentally validated heavy-duty, two-truck platoon simulation approaches where each approach has its own advantages and disadvantages. The trends observed from these two simulation approaches indicate that the lead truck speed control and transmission shifting strategies have a significant effect on the platoon fuel economy and gap control performance when the platoon operates on a hilly terrain route.