This thesis is a book length collection of poetry. Divided into five sections, the book
follows a fractured self as it relates to romantic partnership, friendship, sexual trauma, political
identity, and other factors. The first section introduces the different paradigms the speaker spends
the rest of the book trying to understand her role within, exploring themes such as the ecstasies
and let-downs of friendship, sexuality arrested by trauma and body-image, and anxieties about
climate disaster and economic collapse. The second section grounds the speaker’s experience of
dissociation in her college years. The third section continues to develop themes from the first two
sections with an emphasis on the speaker’s relationship to language and its limitations. The fourth
section, the only standalone sequence of poems in the collection, recounts a set of circumstances
in which the speaker must reconcile her different factions of self during a crisis. The fifth and final
section presents a speaker on the doorstep of acceptance of self, attempting to find stasis.
Degree Type
- Master of Fine Arts
- English
Campus location
- West Lafayette