Many older adults report that they do not regularly engage in physical
activity, highlighting the need for the creation of interventions that are more
conducive to promoting sustained behavioral engagement. Physical activity
intervention development should first begin with the identification of
modifiable factors that are related to the behavior and the conditions under
which these factors do and do not impact physical activity, as well as the
validation of instruments to measure these factors. Enjoyment of physical
activity, satisfaction with physical activity, self-determination, and physical
activity identity have been theorized as four “maintenance motives” necessary
for health behavior maintenance. The purpose of this dissertation research
project was to identify which of these theory-based motives are associated with
the maintenance of physical activity for older adults (≥ 55 years of age) and to test
the robustness of measures of motive assessment. This dissertation consists of
several studies detailed in five chapters. Chapter 2 reports the findings of
two studies that examined older adults’ beliefs related to their physical
activity maintenance through both a free-response format and in-depth
semi-structured interviews. Chapters 3 and 4 describe a systematic review and
meta-analysis that explored the relations between enjoyment, satisfaction,
self-determination, and identity and older adults’ physical activity
maintenance. The following two chapters include two studies that investigated
the robustness of measurement instruments assessing self-determined regulatory
styles for physical activity (i.e., self-determination) and physical activity
identity (Chapter 5) and physical activity enjoyment and satisfaction (Chapter
6). Together, findings suggest that these four motives are related to the
maintenance of physical activity for older adults, with more evidence
supporting the relation between self-determination and maintenance. Findings
provide insight as to for whom (e.g., older adults with health conditions) and
in which context (e.g., re-engaging in physical activity after time away)
motives may exert their influence on behavior. Moreover, this dissertation
project reports psychometric properties of new and modified measures that can
be used to assess the maintenance motives in future studies. This dissertation contributes
to the literature by enabling researchers to more accurately and confidently
choose and measure proposed mechanisms of change and thus provides a foundation
upon which future physical activity intervention development can expand.