Purdue University Graduate School

Slide-to-Roll Ratio in Automotive Valve Train Cam and Oscillating Roller Follower

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posted on 2023-06-26, 12:12 authored by Daniel Jonathan KornDaniel Jonathan Korn

The objectives of this investigation were to experimentally and analytically evaluate the  performance of a valve train cam and oscillating roller follower mechanism. Of particular interest  was the effect of operating conditions on the slide-to-roll ratio (SRR) of the roller follower. In order to experimentally measure the SRR at the cam-roller contact, a valve train test rig  (VTTR) was utilized. The VTTR contained a section of a heavy-duty diesel engine valve train that  was instrumented with encoders and Hall effect sensors to measure the camshaft and roller  follower angular velocities as a function of operating parameters.  To corroborate the experimental with analytical results, a numerical model for the cam and  oscillating roller follower was developed. In this modeling approach, the roller angular velocity  was determined via a torque balance between the frictional torque of the pin-roller follower and  cam-roller follower interfaces. The pin-roller friction was obtained by developing a time-dependent hydrodynamic journal bearing model with variable speed and load. Friction maps were  developed for the cam-roller follower interface using a ball-on-disk EHD2 rig to capture the  friction behavior across a range of entraining velocities, contact pressures, and SRRs. Additional  areas of investigation included thermal effects and wear in the pin-roller contact. Overall, good agreement was obtained between the experimental and analytical roller  follower angular velocity, with the normalized RMS errors less than 7%, across all operating  conditions investigated. The analytical investigation determined that thermal effects in the pin-roller contact are insignificant for the typical operating conditions. However, it was shown that the  pin-roller friction torque is critical in causing roller follower slip, as the SRR greatly increases  once the pin-roller friction torque is greater than the cam-roller friction torque. Finally, pin-roller  local wear was demonstrated to have detrimental effects on the SRR of the roller follower once a  critical wear depth was reached. 


Degree Type

  • Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering


  • Mechanical Engineering

Campus location

  • West Lafayette

Advisor/Supervisor/Committee Chair

Farshid Sadeghi

Additional Committee Member 2

Charles Krousgrill

Additional Committee Member 3

Jitesh Panchal

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