Purdue University Graduate School

Strategic Designs for Online Platforms

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posted on 2022-10-10, 12:50 authored by Weilong WangWeilong Wang

Platforms are now everywhere in our society. Some platforms share real-time information such that people can refer to many aspects, i.e., transportation, weather, news, etc. For example, online learning platforms can play a significant role in accelerating learning through things like providing more real-time feedback loops. Due to the recent innovation in mobile devices as well as faster networks, live streaming platforms become a new trend. Several usages of live streaming platforms are gaming experience sharing such as Twitch, or shopping experience like Amazon Live. My dissertation studies the strategic designs of different online platforms, especially how information affects users’ strategic behaviors and how it creates
different market outcomes.


Degree Type

  • Doctor of Philosophy


  • Management

Campus location

  • West Lafayette

Advisor/Supervisor/Committee Chair

Jinyang Zheng

Additional Committee Member 2

Karthik Kannan

Additional Committee Member 3

Shai Vardi

Additional Committee Member 4

Abhishek Nagaraj