Purdue University Graduate School

The Dynamics of Semigroups of Contraction Similarities on the Plane

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posted on 2019-10-16, 16:29 authored by Stefano SilvestriStefano Silvestri
Given a parametrized family of Iterated Function System (IFS) we give sufficient conditions for a parameter on the boundary of the connectedness locus, M, to be accessible from the complement of M.
Moreover, we provide a few examples of such parameters and describe how they are connected to Misiurewicz parameter in the Mandelbrot set, i.e. the connectedness locus of the quadratic family z^2+c.


Degree Type

  • Doctor of Philosophy


  • Mathematics

Campus location

  • Indianapolis

Advisor/Supervisor/Committee Chair

Rodrigo Perez

Additional Committee Member 2

William Geller

Additional Committee Member 3

Michal Misiurewicz

Additional Committee Member 4

Roland K Roeder