Purdue University Graduate School
PhD_Disseration_Shafin.pdf (5.65 MB)

Towards Building a High-Performance Intelligent Radio Network through Deep Learning: Addressing Data Privacy, Adversarial Robustness, Network Structure, and Latency Requirements.

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posted on 2024-04-26, 20:16 authored by Abu Shafin Moham Mahdee JameelAbu Shafin Moham Mahdee Jameel

With the increasing availability of inexpensive computing power in wireless radio network nodes, machine learning based models are being deployed in operations that traditionally relied on rule-based or statistical methods. Contemporary high bandwidth networks enable easy availability of significant amounts of training data in a comparatively short time, aiding in the development of better deep learning models. Specialized deep learning models developed for wireless networks have been shown to consistently outperform traditional methods in a variety of wireless network applications.

We aim to address some of the unique challenges inherent in the wireless radio communication domain. Firstly, as data is transmitted over the air, data privacy and adversarial attacks pose heightened risks. Secondly, due to the volume of data and the time-sensitive nature of the processing that is required, the speed of the machine learning model becomes a significant factor, often necessitating operation within a latency constraint. Thirdly, the impact of diverse and time-varying wireless environments means that any machine learning model also needs to be generalizable. The increasing computing power present in wireless nodes provides an opportunity to offload some of the deep learning to the edge, which also impacts data privacy.

Towards this goal, we work on deep learning methods that operate along different aspects of a wireless network—on network packets, error prediction, modulation classification, and channel estimation—and are able to operate within the latency constraint, while simultaneously providing better privacy and security. After proposing solutions that work in a traditional centralized learning environment, we explore edge learning paradigms where the learning happens in distributed nodes.


Degree Type

  • Doctor of Philosophy


  • Electrical and Computer Engineering

Campus location

  • West Lafayette

Advisor/Supervisor/Committee Chair

Ali El Gamal

Additional Committee Member 2

Arif Ghafoor

Additional Committee Member 3

David Inouye

Additional Committee Member 4

Ali Elghariani