Purdue University Graduate School

Urban Teacher Job Retention: What Makes Them Stay?

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posted on 2021-04-06, 14:18 authored by Laurie Eileen RinehartLaurie Eileen Rinehart

This study examined job satisfaction factors and teacher demographics in relation to a teacher’s likelihood of returning to an urban teaching setting the following school year. The researcher specifically examined factors relating to teachers’ job satisfaction, utilizing Paul Spector’s Job Satisfaction Survey (1999). Four hundred fifty-nine Indiana urban schoolteachers whose districts are members of Indiana Urban School Association (IUSA) participated in this study. Participants’ demographic and job satisfaction data was analyzed by point biserial correlations and binary logistic regressions. A significant correlation was found between the total JSS score and teachers’ decision to return teaching in urban school setting. Additionally, an increased number of years of teaching, promotion, and nature of work were associated with an increased likelihood of returning to teach. In contrast, an increase in age was associated with a reduced probability of teaching or returning by 0.746. An increase in the number of teaching years was related to an increased probability of returning to teaching by 3.204. There is an increased chance of returning to teaching by 4.066 as promotion increases. A reduced probability of returning to teaching by .313 was correlated with relationships with colleagues. Finally, increasing levels of nature of work was associated with an increased likelihood or returning to work by 3.103. Based on the findings from this study, the researcher concluded administrators in urban school settings should focus on factors that will enhance teacher experience and overall job satisfaction to discourage attrition.


Degree Type

  • Doctor of Philosophy


  • Educational Studies

Campus location

  • West Lafayette

Advisor/Supervisor/Committee Chair

Dr. Alice Johnson

Additional Committee Member 2

Dr. Marilyn Hirth

Additional Committee Member 3

Dr. Rick Olenchak

Additional Committee Member 4

Dr. William McInerney

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