This dissertation aims to create a scholarly space where a seventy-five-year-old “special relationship” (1945-2020) between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United States is examined from an interdisciplinary comparativist perspective. I posit that a comparative study of Saudi and American fiction goes beyond the limitedness of global geopolitics and proves to uncover some new literary, sociocultural, and historical dimensions of this long history, while shedding some light on others. Saudi writers creatively challenge the inherently static and monolithic image of Saudi Arabia, its culture and people in the West. They also simultaneously unsettle the notion of homogeneity and enable us to gain new insight into self-perception within the local Saudi context by offering a wide scope of genuine engagements with distinctive themes ranging from spatiality, identity, ethnicity, and gender to slavery, religiosity and (post)modernity. On the other side, American authors still show some signs of ambivalence towards the depiction of the Saudi (Muslim/Arab) Other, but they nonetheless also demonstrate serious effort to emancipate their representations from the confining legacy of (neo)Orientalist discourse and oil politics by tackling the concepts of race, alterity, hegemony, radicalism, nomadism and (un)belonging.
Degree Type
- Doctor of Philosophy
- Comparative Literature
Campus location
- West Lafayette
Advisor/Supervisor/Committee Chair
Ahmed Idrissi AlamiAdditional Committee Member 2
Aparajita SagarAdditional Committee Member 3
Shaun F. D. HughesAdditional Committee Member 4
Beate I. AllertUsage metrics
- Literary studies not elsewhere classified
- Middle Eastern literature
- Comparative and transnational literature
- North American literature
- Literary theory
- Other literatures in English
- Aesthetics
- Art history, theory and criticism not elsewhere classified
- British history
- Comparative religious studies
- Welfare, insurance, disability and social security law
- Epistemology
- Feminist theory
- Gender studies not elsewhere classified
- Gender, sexuality and education
- Critical theory
- Hermeneutics
- Historical studies not elsewhere classified
- Other history, heritage and archaeology not elsewhere classified
- Islamic studies
- Language studies not elsewhere classified