Purdue University Graduate School


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Version 2 2024-04-15, 20:21
Version 1 2024-04-11, 18:27
posted on 2024-04-15, 20:21 authored by Michael Misquitta

On many hypersonic vehicles, gaps are present on the outer surface of the vehicle and the interaction of the hypersonic freestream flow over these gaps can cause significant heat transfer to the vehicle. The project described in this thesis analyzed selected hypersonic gap problems and attempted to offer solutions to combat the heat transfer occurring in the gap. The first section of this thesis is a parametric study to understand the changes to the heat transfer and flow that modifications to the gap geometry can make. The second section is a comparison of the computational model to experimental data. The results of the studies show that adding a simple fillet or chamfer to the downstream step of the gap can reduce the maximum heat flux by over 90%. These results can be used to reduce the heat transfer caused by flow impingement in the gaps of hypersonic vehicles with a simple modification of the geometry and is consistent with the findings of other work in gap heating.


Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) , Project: “Hypersonic Vehicle Structure Critical Technology Gaps,” Grant Number FA8560-20-C-2407


Degree Type

  • Master of Science


  • Aeronautics and Astronautics

Campus location

  • West Lafayette

Advisor/Supervisor/Committee Chair

Jonathan Poggie

Advisor/Supervisor/Committee co-chair

Gregory Blaisdell

Additional Committee Member 2

Brandon Chynoweth