Purdue University Graduate School


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posted on 2024-04-18, 15:35 authored by Jijun ChenJijun Chen

The Mu2e experiment is searching for Beyond-Standard-Model, Charged Lepton Flavor Violation (CLFV) in the muon capture reaction μ+ Al → e + Al. To compare the accessible energy scale of this experiment, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is capable of observing new physics at the few TeV mass scale. However, by searching for μ-to-e conversion at a branching ratio sensitivity of 10−17, Mu2e will probe for new physics at mass scales up to 103 ∼ 104 TeV, far beyond the reach of any planned accelerator and surpassing the current world’s best limit by 104 times. In addition, there is no competing Standard Model process that produces this decay to a branching ratio level < 10−54. To report a reliable result, the number of stopped muons will be normalized to 10% precision utilizing two γ-ray transitions and one x-ray atomic transition. The first, directly proportional to the CLFV signal, is the 1808.7 keV γ-ray emitted promptly in the muon capture process. The second, the 2p→1s atomic transition of muonic aluminum, is the 346.8 keV x-ray line. The third, is the 844 keV γ-ray from the β-decay process. These signals need to be measured in the presence of an energy flux background of 3.2 x 108 TeV/sec, consisting of muons, electrons, neutrons, x-rays and γ-rays. Here, two com- 11 photon counting detectors are used in the luminosity measurement. One of them, the LaBr3 detector, is capable of high rate operation up to and above 800 kcps and energy resolution of 0.7%, producing highly accurate statistical measurements. The other, the HPGe detector is capable of energy resolution of 0.1%, with limited rate capability ∼ 70 kcps, yet producing measurements having low systematic error. Once signals are found within the background, corrections must be understood and applied including: geometric factors, detector efficiency, branching ratio of the observed physics pro- cesses, signal loss due to propagation to the detector, interfering lines, event loss due to pile-up, event loss due to algorithm miscalculation, time evolution of the signal, and others. The normalization measurement will be reported out in real time every 5 to 10 minutes, and a comprehensive off-line analysis will be undertaken using merged data sets.


Degree Type

  • Doctor of Philosophy


  • Physics and Astronomy

Campus location

  • West Lafayette

Advisor/Supervisor/Committee Chair

David Koltick

Additional Committee Member 2

Yulia N. Pushkar

Additional Committee Member 3

Wei Xie

Additional Committee Member 4

Luis Martin Kruczenski

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