Purdue University Graduate School

The Chemist's Dilemma: Where are all the STEM Majors?

posted on 2025-01-10, 15:37 authored by Angelique IthierAngelique Ithier

This project aims to determine the overall attitude towards chemistry in a general chemistry course primarily taken by non-chemistry science majors. Given that this course is required for non-chemistry science majors, such as engineering, it is hypothesized that the courses (CHM 115 and CHM 116) directly relate to STEM retention within Purdue. Surveys were conducted and analyzed by format and course. It was determined that the course format does not affect student attitude towards chemistry. The factor that played the largest role in student attitude was if the student continued to CHM 116 after completing CHM 115. Overall, the surveys conducted on students who took this course displayed that they have a low attitude towards chemistry, with CHM 116 student attitude decreasing in several factors when compared to CHM 115. Interviews were conducted to gain deeper insight into student attitudes, where it was learned that the largest factor in the negativity towards the course was the lectures. Importantly, students cited their previous experience with chemistry in high school as the reason they enjoy chemistry, clarifying that if the general chemistry course was their only chemistry exposure they would have chosen a different career path. One student specifically stated that he felt the general chemistry courses were “weed out” courses due to the way the course was run. Participants made several suggestions to address in these issues, such as conducting more demonstrations in lecture, making videos on the LMS to help students with common problems, and providing more real-life examples to help students relate chemistry to their life. Further study will need to be conducted to determine which interventions will help increase student attitude towards chemistry.


Degree Type

  • Doctor of Philosophy


  • Chemistry

Campus location

  • West Lafayette

Advisor/Supervisor/Committee Chair

Angeline Lyon

Advisor/Supervisor/Committee co-chair

Paul Asunda

Additional Committee Member 2

Shelley Claridge

Additional Committee Member 3

Jake Burdick

Additional Committee Member 4

Jeanine Conklin