Purdue University Graduate School

Priyank Kalgaonkar

PhD Student (Cognitive neuroscience; Computer vision)

Indianapolis, IN

Currently a PhD student and research assistant at the Purdue School of Engineering and Technology, and previously served as a Clinical Systems Engineer at Renovo Solutions, which provides medical asset management, maintenance and networked medical device data systems to hospitals and integrated health systems throughout the United States. Prior to Renovo Solutions, was a Telemetry Developer at Philips North America. Primarily focused on creating and maintaining global database and monitored imaging devices (NucMed, CT and MRI Scanners) around the world. Also, developed a software prototype (IATD) to increase efficiency during new device installation. Previously served key leadership roles at the University of Toledo, most notably as a team leader for the Self-Checkout Shopping Cart capstone project, and most recently at the Purdue School of Engineering and Technology as a team leader for the Electronically Connected Intelligent Shelves project which was ranked #1.


  • https://doi.org/10.1109/CCWC51732.2021.9375950
  • https://doi.org/10.1109/IEMTRONICS52119.2021.9422541
  • CondenseNeXt: An Ultra-Efficient Deep Neural Network for Embedded Systems
  • Image Classification with CondenseNeXt for ARM-Based Computing Platforms
  • CondenseNeXtV2: Light-Weight Modern Image Classifier Utilizing Self-Querying Augmentation Policies
  • EffCNet: An Efficient CondenseNet for Image Classification on NXP BlueBox
  • NextDet: Efficient Sparse-to-Dense Object Detection with Attentive Feature Aggregation
  • An Improved Lightweight Network Using Attentive Feature Aggregation for Object Detection in Autonomous Driving
  • NeXtFusion: Attention-Based Camera–Radar Fusion Network for Improved Three-Dimensional Object Detection and Tracking
  • NeXtFusion: Attention-Based Camera-Radar Fusion Network for Improved Three-Dimensional Object Detection and Tracking

Priyank Kalgaonkar's public data