Standard off-the-shelf SLAM algorithms allow robots to build 2D maps of their environments and consequently enable them to navigate to (x, y) coordinates in those maps.
However, this is a large step removed from a robot finding and going to a professor’s office
or locating an elevator and taking it up one floor. The robot would have to robustly detect
and localize doors and elevators in a hallway. Additionally, given directions to this hallway,
the robot would have to accurately follow them in a previously unknown environment. In
this thesis, we propose solutions to these two key challenges associated with finding a goal
in an unknown indoor environment. We present a robust algorithm that relies on image and
laser-range data to detect doors. This algorithm is combined with a set of common-sense
rules to enable a robot to efficiently find a specific door in a hallway. To follow directions in
an unknown environment, we propose a convolutional neural network-based approach that
takes a local crop of the 2D SLAM map and a command as input to produce navigational
goal points and feedback for the robot as output. All of these methods are deployed on a
real robot and evaluated in the form of live trials in previously unseen and unmodified office