Purdue University Graduate School

Analyses and Scalable Algorithms for Byzantine-Resilient Distributed Optimization

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posted on 2023-07-03, 19:07 authored by Kananart KuwaranancharoenKananart Kuwaranancharoen

The advent of advanced communication technologies has given rise to large-scale networks comprised of numerous interconnected agents, which need to cooperate to accomplish various tasks, such as distributed message routing, formation control, robust statistical inference, and spectrum access coordination. These tasks can be formulated as distributed optimization problems, which require agents to agree on a parameter minimizing the average of their local cost functions by communicating only with their neighbors. However, distributed optimization algorithms are typically susceptible to malicious (or "Byzantine") agents that do not follow the algorithm. This thesis offers analysis and algorithms for such scenarios. As the malicious agent's function can be modeled as an unknown function with some fundamental properties, we begin in the first two parts by analyzing the region containing the potential minimizers of a sum of functions. Specifically, we explicitly characterize the boundary of this region for the sum of two unknown functions with certain properties. In the third part, we develop resilient algorithms that allow correctly functioning agents to converge to a region containing the true minimizer under the assumption of convex functions of each regular agent. Finally, we present a general algorithmic framework that includes most state-of-the-art resilient algorithms. Under the strongly convex assumption, we derive a geometric rate of convergence of all regular agents to a ball around the optimal solution (whose size we characterize) for some algorithms within the framework.


National Science Foundation CAREER award 1653648


Degree Type

  • Doctor of Philosophy


  • Electrical and Computer Engineering

Campus location

  • West Lafayette

Advisor/Supervisor/Committee Chair

Shreyas Sundaram

Additional Committee Member 2

Jianghai Hu

Additional Committee Member 3

Christopher G. Brinton

Additional Committee Member 4

Gesualdo Scutari