Purdue University Graduate School

Demand-Driven Static Analysis of Heap-Manipulating Programs

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posted on 2019-08-16, 14:17 authored by Chenguang SunChenguang Sun
Modern Java application frameworks present significant challenges for existing static analysis algorithms. Such challenges include large-scale code bases, heap-carried dependency, and asynchronous control flow caused by message passing.
Existing analysis algorithms are not suitable to deal with these challenges. One reason is that analyses are typically designed to operate homogeneously on the whole program. This leads to scalability problems when the analysis algorithms are used on applications built as plug-ins of large frameworks, since the framework code is analyzed together with the application code. Moreover, the asynchronous message passing of the actor model adopted by most modern frameworks leads to control flows which are not modeled by existing analyses.
This thesis presents several techniques for more powerful debugging and program understanding tools based on slicing. In general, slicing-based techniques aim to discover interesting properties of a large program by only reasoning about the relevant part of the program (typically a small amount of code) precisely, abstracting away the behavior of the rest of the program.
The key contribution of this thesis is a demand-driven framework to enable precise and scalable analyses on programs built on large frameworks. A slicing algorithm, which can handle heap-carried dependence, is used to identify the program elements relevant to an analysis query. We instantiated the framework to infer correlations between registration call sites and callback methods, and resolve asynchronous control flows caused by asynchronous message passing.


Degree Type

  • Doctor of Philosophy


  • Electrical and Computer Engineering

Campus location

  • West Lafayette

Advisor/Supervisor/Committee Chair

Samuel P. Midkiff

Additional Committee Member 2

Milind Kulkarni

Additional Committee Member 3

Vijay Raghunathan

Additional Committee Member 4

Charles A. Bouman

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