Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have become excessively popular and prominent deep learning techniques to analyze structural graph data for their ability to solve complex real-world problems. Because graphs provide an efficient approach to contriving abstract hypothetical concepts, modern research overcomes the limitations of classical graph theory, requiring prior knowledge of the graph structure before employing traditional algorithms. GNNs, an impressive framework for representation learning of graphs, have already produced many state-of-the-art techniques to solve node classification, link prediction, and graph classification tasks. GNNs can learn meaningful representations of graphs incorporating topological structure, node attributes, and neighborhood aggregation to solve supervised, semi-supervised, and unsupervised graph-based problems. In this study, the usefulness of GNNs has been analyzed primarily from two aspects - clustering and classification. We focus on these two techniques, as they are the most popular strategies in data mining to discern collected data and employ predictive analysis.
Degree Type
- Master of Science
- Electrical and Computer Engineering
Campus location
- Indianapolis
Advisor/Supervisor/Committee Chair
Xiao LuoAdvisor/Supervisor/Committee co-chair
Brian KingAdditional Committee Member 2
Lingxi LiUsage metrics
- Neural networks
- Semi- and unsupervised learning
- Deep learning
- Context learning
- Neural engineering
- Biomechanical engineering
- Preventative health care
- Health promotion
- Graph, social and multimedia data
- Information retrieval and web search
- Data mining and knowledge discovery
- Data engineering and data science
- Knowledge and information management
- Natural language processing
- Planning and decision making
- Evolutionary computation
- Data structures and algorithms
- Applications in health
- Applied computing not elsewhere classified
- Spatial data and applications