Recent years have
witnessed the exponential growth of the Architecture, Engineering, and
Construction (AEC) industry, especially in its capability to generate, collect
and process data in the life cycle of a construction project. In the AEC
domain, there are many tasks, including architectural design, structural
analysis, and construction management, to name a few. Therefore, the identification
of the knowledge gaps between AEC tasks or within one task is important to help
develop solutions to support various AEC applications (e.g., construction monitoring).
Advances in scientific data collection, the new generation of sensor systems,
such as radio frequency tags and bar codes, have generated a flood of data to
support information management in the construction domain. As the construction
industry is adapting to new computer technologies in terms of hardware and
software, heterogeneous data is becoming more and more available for access to
bridge the gaps in the construction domain (e.g., Building Information
Modelling (BIM) interoperability) and facilitate construction tasks (e.g.,
construction document information extraction). BIM is an integrated
informational process and plays a key role in enabling efficient planning and
control of a project in the AEC domain. Industry Foundation Classes (IFC)
provides a useful data structure for BIM data communication and exchange.
IFC-based BIM allows building information to be more interoperable among
different BIM applications. BIM interoperability refers to the ability of two
separate software programs or management systems to communicate and exchange
information/data with each other. The advantage of BIM interoperability offers
the seamless information/data transfer, and it could abstract necessary
information/data, remove redundancy and duplicate information/data at the early
design phase of the construction project. IFC-based BIM models are the models
of buildings using the open IFC international standard which by itself is
extensible. The BIM interoperability problem is both a technical problem and a
management problem. From the technical dimension, it is focused on the software
workflows which use different BIM applications. From the management dimension,
it is reflected in the actual use of information/data between architectural
design and structural analysis processes in the AEC domain. To address that,
the author focused on exploring information missing and/or information
inconsistency between different BIM applications as the gap-driven analysis,
and discussed it from both technical and management dimensions. In addition, to
support information management and facilitate different tasks and applications in
the construction domain, the author explored the deeper information needs of
construction applications from construction monitoring perspective, provided
the solutions [e.g., ontological model, and information extraction (IE) method]
to better manage construction site information to support construction
monitoring applications.