Purdue University Graduate School
bradfor3_Square_Forms_Thesis_slight_format_tweak.pdf (378.5 kB)

Square Forms Factoring with Sieves

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posted on 2021-05-05, 16:19 authored by Clinton W BradfordClinton W Bradford
Square Form Factoring is an O(N1/4) factoring algorithm developed by D. Shanks using certain properties of quadratic forms. Central to the original algorithm is an iterative search for a square form. We propose a new subexponential-time algorithm called SQUFOF2, based on ideas of D. Shanks and R. de Vogelaire, which replaces the iterative search with a sieve, similar to the Quadratic Sieve.


Degree Type

  • Doctor of Philosophy


  • Mathematics

Campus location

  • West Lafayette

Advisor/Supervisor/Committee Chair

Samuel S. Wagstaff

Additional Committee Member 2

William Heinzer

Additional Committee Member 3

Tong Liu

Additional Committee Member 4

David McReynolds