Despite the rapid development of adversarial attacks on machine learning models, many types of new adversarial examples remain unknown. Undiscovered types of adversarial attacks pose a
serious concern for the safety of the models, which raises the issue about the effectiveness of current adversarial robustness evaluation. Image semantic segmentation is a practical computer
vision task. However, segmentation networks’ robustness under adversarial attacks receives insufficient attention. Recently, machine learning researchers started to focus on generating
adversarial examples beyond the norm-bound restriction for segmentation neural networks. In this thesis, a simple and efficient method: AdvDRIT is proposed to synthesize unconstrained controllable adversarial images leveraging conditional-GAN. Simple CGAN yields poor image quality and low attack effectiveness. Instead, the DRIT (Disentangled Representation Image Translation) structure is leveraged with a well-designed loss function, which can generate valid adversarial images in one step. AdvDRIT is evaluated on two large image datasets: ADE20K and Cityscapes. Experiment results show that AdvDRIT can improve the quality of adversarial examples by decreasing the FID score down to 40% compared to state-of-the-art generative models such as Pix2Pix, and also improve the attack success rate 38% compared to other adversarial attack methods including PGD.
Degree Type
- Master of Science
- Computer and Information Technology
Campus location
- West Lafayette